mesytec MADC-32 is a fast and high quality 32 channel peak sensing ADC. It provides an 11 to 13 Bit (2 to 8 k) resolution with low differential non linearity due to sliding scale method. In 8 k mode it provides the high INL and resolution required for Ge detector readout. The conversion time is 800 ns for 32 channels at 2 k resolution. It supports zero suppression with individual thresholds.
- High quality 11 to 13 bit (2, 4, 8 k) conversion with
sliding scale ADC (DNL <1 % @ 4 k)
- 800 ns, 1.6 us, 6.4 us conversion time for 32 channels
with 2 k, 4 k, 8 k resolution
- 8 k (32 bit-) words multi event buffer
(1 word corresponds to 1 converted channel
=> 240...2730 events total)
- Zero suppression with individual thresholds
- Supports different types of time stamping
- Independent bank operation
- Two register adjustable gate generators are built-in
- Input range, register selectable 4 V, 8 V, 10 V
- mesytec control bus to control external mesytec modules
- Address modes: A24 / A32
- Data transfer modes: D16 (registers),
- Multicast for event reset and time stamping start
- Live insertion (can be inserted in a running crate)
New for V2.1 Revision:
- 8 k words memory
- lower INL for very long shaping times and low amplitudes
- Thresholds can be deactivated with a single register
- Extended time stamp also for independent bank operation