Detector Readout Systems
mesytec MDU-16 is a 16-channel low noise differential to unipolar converter with variable gain from 1/8 to 12. It provides terminated inputs and outputs. The bandwidth is optimised for charge sensitive preamplifiers. It is ideally suited to convert MPR-16 differential outputs after a long transmission line to Lemo unipolar signals.
  • 16 channel inputs, 110 Ohm terminated
  • 34 pin input connector
  • 16 Lemo outputs, 50 Ohm terminated
  • Input range +/- 5 V
  • Output range: +/- 10 V, (+/- 5 V terminated
  • Adjustable gain from 1/8 to 12 in steps of factor 1.5
  • Ground connector at front panel, to connect shield of shielded twisted pair, or to provide additional ground to the preamp
  • input noise (measured with 2 us shaping time of an external shaper):
    • at Gain = 2 to 12, noise = 25 uVrms
    • Attenuator stages: 1 to 1/8, fixed output noise of
      30 uVrms
  • input common mode suppression < 1000
  • power supply (total 3.6 W)
    • +/- 6 V, +/- 150 mA
    • +/- 12 V, +/- 75 mA

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